Antonio Navarra – Scientific Coordinator
Antonio Navarra is the President of CMCC (the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change). Born in Naples in 1956, he graduated in Physics in Bologna in 1980 and returned to Italy in 1986 after a PhD at the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory in Princeton. He has been active in the investigation of the dynamical mechanisms that control climate on a global scale, with a special focus on the natural climatic variability of the atmosphere-ocean system on inter-annual to decadal or centennial scale.

Nicola Semprini
Nicola Semprini is full professor at the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Bologna. His scientific activity, mainly in the field of Elementary Particle Physics, is carried out at the Gran Sasso International Laboratory (L’Aquila, Italy), DESY (Hamburg, Germany) and CERN (Geneva, Switzerland) where I am involved in the ATLAS experiment at the new Large Hadron Collider (LHC). It is documented in more than 270 publications in international journals, invited talks and contributions to international conferences.

Alessandro Gargini

Alberto Montanari
Alberto Montanari is full professor of Hydrology and Water Resources Management for the Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Material Engineering at the University of Bologna. He is currently president of the European Geosciences Union (EGU). His research interests span over water resources assessment, sustainable exploitation of water resources, climate change assessment, impact and adaptation.

Patrick Monfray
Patrick Monfray is research director at CNRS. In the 1990s he developed the French CO2 monitoring network and the coupling of climate and carbon cycle models. Co-founder of the Laboratory for Climate and Environmental Sciences (LSCE), he joined in 2011 the National Research Agency (ANR) to supervise programs at interface between environmental change and societal development. In 2017, he joined the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation as Deputy Director of the Research and Innovation Strategy Service.

Gregor Laumann
Gregor Laumann is Head of the Division “Climate and Nature Protection, International Cooperation” at the German Aerospace Center. He has many years of experience in the management of research funding and the establishment, management and facilitation of national and international transdisciplinary research and capacity building initiatives. He worked several years in applied research and business consulting in Germany and the Netherlands mainly in the fields of urban and regional development as well as in the transport and mobility sector.

Andy Brown
Andy Brown is Director of Research at ECMWF. He has over 25 year experience of performing and leading research, and of translating research outputs into operational model improvements. In so doing he has championed a seamless approach to science and modelling, enabling lessons learned or developments to systems from one timescale to be most effectively applied to others. Andy is author of over 60 peer-reviewed papers on a variety of topics relating to atmospheric physical processes, parametrization and weather and climate modelling.

Jim Kinter
James Kinter is Director of the Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA) of George Mason University (USA) whose research includes studies of climate variability and predictability on sub-seasonal and longer time scales. He is also Professor and Chair in the department of Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Earth Sciences of the College of Science. After earning his Phd in geophysical fluid dynamics at Princeton University in 1984, he served as a National Research Council Associate at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, and as a faculty member of the University of Maryland prior to helping to create COLA.

Toshio Yamagata
Toshio Yamagata graduated from Geophysics Institute of School of Science, the University of Tokyo in 1971. His professional career includes Associate Professor of Kyushu University, Professor and Dean of School of Science, the University of Tokyo. After retiring from the University of Tokyo in 2012, he served Japan Agency of Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC). He is known as a discoverer of the Indian Ocean Dipole Mode influencing the world climate and has received many international honours for his achievements in ocean and climate dynamics.