
The mission of Future Earth Research School is to provide high-level scientific courses that help researchers understand and anticipate future global environmental challenges.

The transition to sustainability is the main collective challenge of the 21st century. In the era of the Anthropocene, climate change is playing out at an unprecedented pace, forcing mankind to look further and deeper into the future to defend our planet. Efforts to cope with the impacts of climate change and attempts to promote sustainable development share common goals, including access to resources and equity in their distribution.

These challenges are not easily resolved as they involve complex dynamics between the planet and its inhabitants. Although our knowledge of these dynamics has advanced considerably in recent decades, it is still very limited, making it necessary to study and analyse the effects of these environmental imbalances which will only be visible in the future.  In this perspective, the role of research is fundamental.

The objective of research is to use the scientific method to reliably anticipate the future in an informed manner and thus guide change. In fact, investments made in research today will pay off years from now. To prepare for our future, it is necessary to invest in research in the present.

That’s why the Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change Foundation (CMCC), with the support of the Emilia-Romagna Region, launched the ‘Future Earth Research School’ (FERS), a School in the field of environmental sustainability and climate change, which, right from the title, will be oriented towards the future temporal dimension, offering a strategic overview on how to deal future global challenges and building a fertile ground for innovation and new research pathways.

The School’s program is specifically designed to create a stimulating educational offer and an international and dynamic environment. Participants will have the opportunity to study in one of the most flourishing Italian territories in the field of climate research while maintaining a global and multidisciplinary approach.

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